I'm starting to think about how I can achieve the goal of becoming published. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it big on my own. Tournament-wise, I'm in the league stages and I think I'm going to need an agent to get to the final. Someone in-the-know could ensure that my novels reach the desk of those that they need to. These stories can sell - they just need to be seen. The ideas had to make it past the nonsense filter in my brain to get onto the page, so I have the utmost confidence in them. A lot of the publishing houses will only accept agented submissions, so I'm looking for representation. It would make for a mutually beneficial relationship for many, many years to come. I'm aiming for the sky and getting an agent is essential to reach it.
It's a longshot, but if anyone reading this currently has representation or knows of an agent that they could recommend or refer me to, please leave your comments below or email me at kevin001@sky.com