Thursday, 16 January 2020

It's been a while. Life is a rollercoaster, but some of us suffer motion sickness

I haven't posted on my blog for a very long time now.  But, I've recently taken up a new hobby and want to share the resulting output with the world; painting.   I started around October last year and it's since become a daily habit/ritual/obsession, call it what you will.  How and why I came to paint is a story for another time.  I saw the Julian Schnabel film At Eternity's Gate a couple of weeks ago and there was a scene where Van Gogh, played by Willem Dafoe, speaks with a priest played by Mads Mikkelsen.  In the scene, Van Gogh explains that when he paints, he forgets everything else and feels so far away from everything.  It was something that I could certainly relate to when it comes to what painting does for me.  I've set up an Instagram page, which is @kevin_thomas_art and updated listings in my Etsy shop here.

Here is a selection of some of my paintings from the past few months.

1 comment:

  1. Yo! Bro! Wannum?
    They're existence:
    ☆ ☆
