Sunday, 10 July 2011

Spreading the word

My interview with Morgen Bailey went live Saturday morning and can be accessed here.  I've completed a short piece of flash fiction, which I've called The Ellroy Damnation.  A free sample version has been uploaded to Smashwords.  The full, unabridged version goes beyond the sample and should be available on Amazon within a few days for just 99cents, or just 86p in the UK.

I watched a film on Saturday night called Limitless.  It starred Bradley Cooper and featured Robert De Niro.  It's worth watching if you can catch it.  It's about a struggling writer who has a block so bad he can't write a word of the novel that he has already been contracted to write.  He bumps into an old acquaintance, who gives him a new pill that has been developed to enable the user to access 100% of their brain rather than the 20% that the average person is able to.  He writes his novel in four days and that's just the beginning.  I won't spoil the rest, but it makes you ask yourself whether you'd prescribe to the notion of utilising the benefits of this little pill.  Sounds like a sci-fi concept, but the film itself is a thriller.

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